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Criminal Law

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Zubrod Law Office, P.C. is devoted to helping people charged with crimes.

At times law enforcement may be overzealous in the crimes they charge, often over charging or falsely charging the accused.

Zubrod Law Office, P.C., P.C. takes great pride in representing people in criminal proceedings. Personal liberties are at the heart of what makes the United States a great nation, and Zubrod Law Office, P.C., P.C. is here to help fortify those rights.

Types of Cases

At Zubrod Law Office, P.C., P.C., we handle a wide array of criminal issues including petty offenses, misdemeanors and felonies.

Here are a few of the types of cases we handle:

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • Possession of drugs and/or paraphernalia;
  • Theft;
  • Domestic violence;
  • Assault;
  • Misdemeanors;
  • Felonies; and
  • Record expungements.

Know Your Rights

Come talk to a Zubrod Law Office, P.C., P.C. attorney today. If you are charged with a crime, Zubrod Law Office, P.C., P.C. offers a free half-hour consultation. This consultation is confidential.

If you are charged with a crime. Do not trust that law enforcement has your best interests in mind – in most instances, they don’t.

Please note, when you are talking with law enforcement, anything you say or do, WILL BE HELD AGAINST YOU in a court of law.

Invoke your right to remain silent and right to an attorney by stating to law enforcement, “I am invoking my right to be silent and I NEED to talk to my attorney.”

Please note, if you invoke your right to be silent and then voluntarily say something to the police afterwards, those statements may be held against you.

It is best practice to not talk to anyone about your case until you talk to an attorney.


Expungement is the term used to get a criminal record sealed or removed from public record.

Having a criminal record makes finding a job, renting an apartment or applying to schools more difficult.

Expungements are only allowed in certain circumstances.

Contact Zubrod Law Office, P.C., P.C. to schedule a consultation to see if any of your criminal records can be expunged.